Go-to-Market Strategy

Go-to-Market Strategy


Customers, not markets, buy your products, so your go-to-market strategy demands a deep understanding of your customers' needs and behaviors. Brand Koncept helps you sell more—or more profitably—by putting the right offers in front of customers at the right price and time in the most effective channels.

Unlocking growth in emerging markets is a big piece of the globalization puzzle. One of the biggest lever’s companies have that can dramatically change their position in the market is developing a stellar go-to-market approach.

•    We offer pragmatic go-to-market recommendations that are rooted in a deep understanding of your customers.

•    We bring deep functional expertise in areas such as sales, marketing, pricing, and product management.
•    Understanding the unique needs of shoppers in areas where data is limited, and consumer profiles are evolving
•    Managing a multitude of fragmented trade channels (modern and traditional) and partners to execute effectively in this hybrid environment—noting that traditional trade (millions of small trade outlets) is still incredibly important
•    Leveraging next-generation analytics and technology to create step change in the way that go-to-market lands in the field
•    Targeting much smaller segments of consumers to discover hidden pockets of opportunity

We mobilize your frontline salesforce and embed the tools, processes and systems changes to ensure that results stick. 
Developing a go-to-market strategy is an essential step for any successful business, in order to bring together all the key areas that define the public face of their company (such as its marketing strategy, sales procedures, distribution methods, and so forth).

If there could be one word to describe what a succinct go-to-market strategy brings to the table, that word would be clarity. In a world of information overload, we have all the data we could possibly need about our business activities (and the activities of our competitors), but we need a system to organize and analyze this information if it’s ever going to be useful. This system forms the go-to-market strategy.

The five key steps to developing a go-to-market strategy are as follows:

1.    Defining your target markets
2.    Defining your target customers
3.    Defining your brand positioning
4.    Defining your product offering
5.    Choosing your marketing channels
6.    Implementing the go-to-market strategy